15 Favorite Healthy Cookbooks for Families

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Healthy cookbooks for family dinners you'll feel great about serving to the kids. Whether you're trying to lose weight or just increase the amount of vegetables on your dinner plates, these books are practical for busy families.

A stack of cookbooks is next to a digital tablet.

Trying to balance family dinner can be such a challenge when your kids are little and picky.

On the one hand, you might be looking for healthy recipes that will help you be stronger and fitter.

On the other hand, you need to serve meals that the kids will actually eat and meets their physical needs, too.

When I'm looking for fresh inspiration for our family dinners, these are the top healthy cookbooks for real family meals that I tend to turn to time and again.

Why are these "Healthy" Cookbooks?

When I'm feeding my family, I'm looking for healthy recipes that meet the following needs:

  1. Real Food: The recipe is made mostly from scratch. It needs basic ingredients that I can pronounce. No artificial sweeteners required.
  2. Lots of Fruit & Vegetables: I'm always looking for new ideas for getting more produce onto our plates. I cook with fruit in our dinners frequently since they tend to be more popular with the kids than vegetables.
  3. Fairly Light: I look for recipes that are light on the butter and cream and use more olive oil instead. Bonus points if the books aren't heavy-handed with starchy ingredients like pasta and breaded coating.
  4. Mediterranean Influenced: Our family eats meat but I do look for Mediterranean recipes because they are known to be so heart-healthy.
  5. Balance: I believe in all things in moderation. If we have something really delicious on the table like warm, fresh bread, I balance it with something super healthy like a vegetable-filled soup.

I think the best way to stay healthy is to eat all things in moderation and focus on healthy portions. That's why I've loved the 21 Day Fix strategy for feeding my family and myself the same meals.

a stack of healthy cookbooks has a digital tablet sitting on top of the pile.

Healthy Cookbooks for Families

More Favorite Cookbooks

Lighten Up! 3 essential resources when you want to improve your healthy meals.


  1. Love the color and how thin it is. I have an older Nook which is black and white. I like it but color is to much better.

  2. The size/weight are a big plus. I have the original nook (gave it to my daughter) and my other daughter has the glowlight. They've come a long way since then 🙂

  3. I love the ease of holding the nook and turning pages with just one hand. I received the nook glowlight as a mommy gift before having baby #4, and it was awesome to be able to read a few pages at a time during all those middle-of-the-night nursing sessions, while keeping the room dark. I also am a big fan of cookbooks but hesitate to purchase the digital versions. The Samsung is intriguing for this!

  4. I love how thin it is - I had the original first color Nook, but traded in on a Kindle because it was so much lighter, but this makes me think of going back to the Nook!

  5. Oh, and as far as eating right goes, I've been doing a 90-day fitness challenge that came with meal plans for three months. I don't love all the food, but it has helped me to understand what, how often, and in what portion sizes I should be eating. The plan has a lot of repetition, which I didn't mind in the beginning, but with just a week left to go, I'm getting seriously burned out. However, knowing that I can trade out my macros (proteins, carbs, and fats) for other choices...think chicken for fish and zucchini for broccoli...it's been a lot easier to adapt to my needs (and cravings). Pinterest is my go-to source for recipes, as well as food porn when I'm hungry. 😉

  6. I love the NOOK GlowLight. I read books in some of the worst possible lighting conditions...outside on my deck in bright sun, while my husband is watching TV with the lights off, and in complete darkness before I go to bed. Anything that can make tablet reading easier (and maybe save my poor eyes) is a win in my book...or ebook, in this case, 😉

  7. The Nook by Samsung has several features that I like. The built-in Wi-Fi is a plus, but I also like how lightweight and thin the device is. The fact that it has so much power but is not heavy is an advantage. That feature alone would save me the hassle of having to use multiple devices. It looks to be a great product!

  8. Pingback: Weight Watchers Tortellini Soup: 4 points per serving

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