40 Before 40: A Birthday Bucket List
40 Before 40 Birthday Bucket List to help make the last year of your 30s the best it can be!

I mentioned how Shakira's "Try Everything" single from Disney's Zootopia has inspired me to make this last year of my 30's the best it can be.
We've been doing birthday bucket lists for the kids for a few years now.
They are displayed proudly on a chalkboard in our kitchen.
But the chalkboard is too small to fit a list that works for Tim or myself.
This year I decided to tweak our tradition and made out my own list in a colorful printable that is currently hanging right on our refrigerator.
40 Before 40: A Birthday Bucket List
I thought about my main goals for life in general:
- Stay healthy and strong so I have enough energy for adventures with my kids.
- Enjoy precious family moments with my husband and kids.
- Indulge my creative side.
- Connect with and enjoyย my friends.
- Travel and see the world beyond our city borders.
- Be a good example of a strong, caring, professional woman that my daughters can look up to.
And for sure I plan to try and get as many of these photos to document my first 40 years!
Want to Save This for Later?
With those in mind I made my list.
I'm excited about each item there but some of my favorite highlights include:
- Complete a virtual marathon over 26 days: More on this to come this summer. I hope you might join me!
- Have family portraits taken: I want to be IN the photos this year. For the first time ever, we're hiring a pro to do it right.
- Complete 40 random acts of kindness: Put good back out into the world.
- Buy 2 bottles of champagne: because if this isn't about celebrating, what's the point?? I'm enjoying one on my birthday and saving the other to toast on my 50th!
My girls are so excited that I finally have my own birthday list.
They immediately scanned it to see which things they would be lucky to participate in. (Answer: 14 of the things!)
I love that they are eager to help me check all the items off and make time for them within our family schedule. It helps ensure that I will actually get it done!
Are you facing this milestone yourself?
Then you need a birthday list, too!! I created a blank version of my printable for you to use for free! You can download your own copy here.
Maybe you'll be inspired by my list but maybe you'll need a little more help coming up with ideas. I suggest making it a family affair!
Sit down with your kids and partner and talk about YOU over dinner one evening.
Ask them for suggestions for things they want to do with you and for things you should do all on your own.
Then let me know how it goes. I'd love to hear some of your creative ideas.
One thing on my "40 Before 40" bucket list... create a new family tradition. I have 3 kids, ages 9 and under and I am intrigued by your tradition of helping your children make their own bucket lists each birthday. Can you please share more about how you do that?
Happy "almost" birthday, Lisa. Our family tradition is to make a list for each kids based on their ages, too. "9 before 9" for example, so the list would be manageable for their ages. We padded the list with easy to check off things so it didn't overwhelm us. "Play HORSE in the driveway with Dad", "Ride around the block on bikes with Mom", etc. Our focus is always on spending time together and doing activities the kids particularly love. They can pick the movie for movie night or be in charge of what gets made for dinner another night. My girls always love checking off their lists as their birthday gets nearer. Hope that helps!
This is so fun, I love it! A friend shared it on FB. I turned 37 this year and had aspired to do 37 random acts of kindness. I knew I couldn't do it all on my actual birthday, but gave myself a couple of weeks to complete all 37. I didn't quite get there, but hope to plan better for next year! I have things that pop into my head as I go about my days that I should put down on a bucket list, so I don't forget any of them! Thanks so much for the inspiration!
I love this, Tiffany! So inspiring ๐